Climatic influences and the resulting penetration of moisture into the substrate often lead to damages to the façade. In order to protect facades made of mineral or cementitious building materials, impregnations are used which make the surface water repellent. These hydrophobic agents penetrate deeply into the substrate and dry without leaving residues so that the visual appearance of the façade is not affected by the impregnation.
Protecting concrete surfaces on bridges and aqueous environments
Climatic influences and the resulting penetration of moisture into the substrate often lead to damages to the façade. In order to protect facades made of mineral or cementitious building materials, impregnations are used which make the surface water repellent. These hydrophobic agents penetrate deeply into the substrate and dry without leaving residues so that the visual appearance of the façade is not affected by the impregnation.
Protecting concrete surfaces on bridges and aqueous environments
Water repellent façade-hydophobing cream for cementitious-based building materials
Silicone resin paint for exterior or interior rendered and mineral-plaster covered surfaces
Water repellent façade-hydophobing cream for cementitious-based building materials
Silicone resin paint for exterior or interior rendered and mineral-plaster covered surfaces